Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sweet Ride #1

On September 15 we took our wives on a “Sweet Ride". The Holy Hogs and their wives are:

Jim and Kristen (16 years),

Kevin and Crystal (13 years),

Ramon and Denise (20 years),

Chris and Priscilla (9 years), and

Don and Carmen (18 years).

This ride was long antcipated for all of us, but especially for the girls. The Sweet Ride was Denise’s first long ride on Ramon’s Fofo, and she was a little anxious. Priscilla followed along in her car while Chris, recently back from Iraq, continued to gain experience on his new bike.

The morning started off with coffee at Ramon’s house. After we aired up, fueled up and prayed up, we headed out toward Wimberley. The air was cool and crisp under a beautiful partly cloudy blue sky.

Our first stop was for breakfast at the Cypress Creek Café. We enjoyed our meal at our usual first stop while we planned out the rest of our day.

Before leaving, a couple stood up and announced that they were celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. Sarah and Ken – if you are reading this, we hope you had a great time in Hawaii.

After we left CCC in Wimberley, we headed out toward Gruene. Although we went on roads named “Devil’s Backbone” and “Purgatory Road”, clearly we were surrounded by God’s beautiful creation.

We took River Road on the way to Gruene as we usually do. This must be a favorite route of a lot of bikers because soon we were joined by a group of at least 10 other motorcycles.

Once we arrived in Gruene, the girls were anxious to browse the booths at Market Days. One of the nice things about the Old Gruene Market Days is that you can easily experience the small town charm and variety of local vendors within just an hour or two. If you have a chance to visit Gruene, Market Days occurs the third weekend of the month.

After everyone had a chance to visit the shops, we visited Gruene Hall which is historic for being the oldest dance hall in Texas. The Hall was built in 1878, is still not air conditioned, and continues to draw crowds and musicians to its old time wooden dance floor.

Lunch was next on the agenda. We passed up eating at the popular Grist Mill because the wait was too long. Instead we succumbed to the aromas of corn tortillas and fajitas coming from Adobe Verde. The open air patio was very relaxing, and everyone seem to enjoy the Mexican food as well as the fellowship.

As we headed back to our bikes, we ran into our friends from Austin – Anthony and Mercedes – small world. After a quick visit, we mounted up our motorcycles and headed back to Austin via San Marcos.

After saying our goodbyes, we went our separate ways. But everyone agreed we had a great day, and that it truly was a “Sweet Ride”.

They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42

Click here for more pictures.
Click here for a map of our route.